Campana - Competitive Intelligence at Your Fingertips
June 6, 2024

We are happy to launch Campana, our latest tool designed to help businesses track and monitor their competitors more effectively.


In today's information-driven economy, staying up to date with the latest trends and developments is important to have a sense of what is happening in the market, so you can better position and market your products. However, sifting through the vast amount of available information to find what is relevant is not always the most urgent or important, especially when you're focused on improving your product or tending to your customers.

At Campana, we think it's important to stay informed to make better decisions that improve your product roadmap and market positioning. That's why we built this powerful tool for ourselves and other businesses looking to stay ahead.

Initially, we started by generating manual reports that analyzed traffic insights and mapped relevant events causing notable changes for a company. This generally produced insightful results and was a good starting point for our product. After generating dozens of reports, we realized that this approach would become tedious and time-consuming. So, we built a tool that would automate the process of monitoring and analyzing what is important. That is now Campana.

Why Campana?

As software continues to grow in popularity, businesses are seeking ways to gain a competitive edge. Campana provides insights that enable you to make more informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve. Our platform starts with a range of powerful features designed to give you a birds eye view of your competitors' activities and we are actively improving it to make it more useful both to us and you.


  • Website Monitoring: Our advanced web crawling technology allows you to monitor your competitors' websites for fresh additions and deletions, providing valuable insights into their strategies and initiatives.
  • Visual Site Detection: We let you identify specific pages and highlights visual differences, enabling you to quickly spot changes and understand what's changing on their site.
  • News Aggregation: Stay informed with the latest news and trends that put your competitors in the spotlight. Campana aggregates relevant news articles from trusted sources, saving you time and effort.
  • Integrations: We are actively integrating with various platforms to provide you with weekly reports that include social media activity, website traffic, and more.

Future Developments

Currently, Campana focuses on monitoring changes on a company's website, as it serves as the primary source of truth for how a company presents itself to the public. We have also incorporated news aggregation to help you stay up to date with the latest in the industry.

Through conversations with our customers, we have realized that there is a desire to hear about our customers and our competitors' customers to understand the perceived value from those who use the product. So, we are actively working on adding social media monitoring and improving our AI filtering in order to refine the relevance of the information you receive.

Check out Campana and let us know what you think at [email protected]. We are also adding a lot of content over at Campana's blog as well!